Warding off winter
Conversations, thoughts, insights and shared experiences about reflexology, essential oils, holistic and complementary therapy, neurodiversity and generally navigating life.
The testimonials on this blog are the feedback and experience of real people (my clients) who have used the products or services mentioned. Their experiences may not be typical and may not be representative of all people who use these products or services. Individual results may vary. I am not diagnosing or claiming I can cure a condition nor am I suggesting that reflexology can cure any condition. All names have been changed to protect client identity and permission to use their experience and feedback has been granted. Using any of the information or content available on my website, is done entirely at your own risk and I cannot be held liable. The testimonials are not intended to guarantee that you will achieve the same results. If you are considering using the products or services mentioned, please do your own research and consult with a healthcare professional to make sure that they are right for you.